We are international attorneys-at-law located in Sörnäinen, Helsinki. Our team of experts will serve you, your business or your organization reliably and cost-effectively.
The mission of our team is to forward basic and human rights and assure access to justice for all regardless of nationality, social standing or gender.
When you choose Lex Gaudius, you will be supported by an expert lawyer who will assist you in solving your legal matters. Our team will evaluate your situation and swiftly create a related action plan. We will also clarify your rights for free legal aid, or partial or full compensation for your insurance. We are used to working in multicultural environments.
We serve our clients especially in international law, but also in criminal law, disputes, foreign affairs, trade, labor, compensation, business law, contract law, family and inheritance law.
Our operations are also guided by the Agenda 2030 – UN Sustainable Development goals, especially by the 16th goal that is dedicated to promoting peaceful and inclusive societies along with providing access to justice for all. Especially the principle of access to justice for all has kept us busy during the last two years. Due to many changes in the Finnish legislation the legal aid guaranteed by the state has decreased, and our team has been giving legal aid on a voluntary basis. We dedicate 10% of our working hours to pro bono cases.
Since 2016 we have conducted over 2000 pro bono hours.
Our work is guided by a set of fundamental values, which include equality, justice, humanity and solidarity. These values are crucial when developing a sustainable growth inside a society. We always welcome cooperators with similar values who also respect collective agreements, environment and laws.